Namy Ho

Female - Miqo'te - Chaos - Spriggan - Available for rp and erp~

Standing before you is a short, but full-bodied Miqo'te, looking out with a confident smile on her face. Her pink and white hair casually brushed to the side, her diamond eyes gazing into the crowd often shifting from one standing form to another, gauging what her eyes behold for their... potential.She typically makes her intent very clearly known with her scanty dress-codes and flirty mannerisms. Mayhap it might come across as off-putting and inappropriate to some, but this is the core of what she is - a hedonistic strumpet with nary a care for what others may think of her.Perhaps that's all there is to her. Or perhaps not.

Part 1


Namy is an Gridania local with a research job for the scholars of Limsa, which often takes her away from her home for lengthy periods of time onto far distant locales. Hence, she may be found frolicking about in the most unexpected of places at times, for one errand or another... or perhaps simply wandering about the locale until she finds something interesting enough to research. Still, she is a competent researcher, with several unique talents and has managed to stay employed for a long while with a decent amount of wealth accumulated to her name.

Part 2


Outside of her work and when she's returned to Limsa, she's likely to be found peering over the crowd at the plaza, gauging its visitors and considering with whom she should strike a conversation with for a pleasant evening, be it from engaging conversations to the more primal and carnal pleasures...To compliment her flirty nature, she often dresses herself in a flirty manner too - it may not imply that she's greatly exposing her skin, but in general her attire will attract attention to the more private parts of her body, much to the dismay of her teasing targets. Even her official attire for the Scholars she works for is quite scanty, and she's always wrote it off to her superiors as "A strategic attire to distract creatures during her research in the wilds". Whether the higher-ups buy her reasoning, she wouldn't know, but for the time being they haven't ordered her to find something more modest.

RP Hooks

First Encounter

Part 1

Namy likes observing people, usually discreetly when out in public. However, she might dispense away with such niceties and be much more open about it when she's in a more familiar place, such as when she is by the tree in Limsa. Would that make you uncomfortable? Or perhaps take issues with it? ...Or perhaps you'd welcome that attention? It's for you to decide.

Part 2

Namy won't say no to a random stranger approaching her with an intriguing tale or an offer. She is both curious and simply fun-seeking to reject such approaches, no matter how shady it might be. Of course, that's bound to land her in hot water, but that's just how it has to be, doesn't it? Curiosity might kill the cat, but that won't be enough to stop her.

RP Hooks

Researcher for the Scholars

Mentioned previously, but Namy's main line of work revolves around doing research duties for the Scholars of Limsa, especially around more sensitive research that could require a delicate touch or be seen as immoral where the Scholars would not want to be seen as directly being involved. Namy is, at core, a free agent, and has no direct ties to the Scholars she is working for. This allows them to disavow any involvement if needed. Of course, it also implies that Namy may have much harder time escaping from any predicament if she were to be caught in one.

Free Agent Researcher

Namy is also available as a free researcher for hire. She would be introduced by a third party as a capable researcher with a decent combat capability in regards to summoning.

Thank you for Viewing!

Feel free to hit me up on discord if you are interested in having some fun~

The Nameless#1128